Saturday, January 29, 2011

"What I Wanted To Say"

Cursor flashing on a screen
Colored blue and white.
Can you tell me what I mean,
What I want to write?

Fragments float across my mind;
How do I arrange them?
Twice as many left behind
In the frantic mayhem.

War, religion, politics!
There's so much to say...
But I steer away from this,
Saved for another day.

There are plenty others
To rant and scream and shout.
They hate their very brothers...
The world can do without.

Instead I just keep hoping
To move along and live.
To thrive among the coping,
And learn how to forgive.

I'm not this cruel reflection
They call "humanity".
I cannot reach perfection,
But it's who I strive to be.

There's more than all this fighting,
This pain and death and grief!
I am quite done hiding!
I will not sink beneath.

You will not find me weeping
On my bedroom floor!
There's a promise I'll be keeping...
Kicking down the door.

Christina sawyer (c) 2011

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